Jan 23, 2013

Mawlid :: To Celebrate or Not To ?????

بسم اللّٰہ الرحمٰن الرحیم   السلامُ علیکم و رحمۃ اللہ و برکاتہ To Celebrate or not to Celebrate...that's the Question by Asma bint Shameem Some of us celebrate it with great devotion and diligence, while some of us are against it with an equally great vengeance. Some say it is our religious duty while others...
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Jan 16, 2013

GRAND INTERNATIONAL ESSAY CONTEST with prizes worth Indian Rs. One Million (US$ 20,000)

LET US KNOW THIS MAN PROPHET MUHAMMED(S),THE MESSENGER OF PEACE  No matter who you are, no matter what your religious, ideological and political beliefs are, you must know this Man. Prophet Muhammed (S) was an epitome of truth, purity and righteousness. He was the most remarkable man that ever set foot on Earth. He preached a religion,...
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Nov 19, 2012

[The Hindu] Why I can’t pay tribute to Thackeray

  MARKANDEY KATJU Political leaders, film stars, cricketers, etc. are all falling over one another to pay tribute to the late Bal Thackeray. Amidst this plethora of accolades and plaudits pouring in from the high and mighty, I humbly wish to register my vote of dissent. I know of the maxim De mortuis nil nisi bonum (of the dead...
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Nov 8, 2012

Save yourself from the FB side bar Fitnah..!!

If you are tired of seeing those almost half nude Ads shown on FB'S side bar, then follow these steps.1. Bring your cursor to the ads top right corner, and you will see a 'X' .2. It will show you 'Hide This Ad / Hide all Ads from so and so'.3. Choose what you want to do. 4. From the resulting window, choose any of the below options.-------------------------------------------------------- Ads...
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Oct 17, 2012

The Ten Days Of Dhul Hijjah

The Best Days of Deals are Here !!! ...
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Jun 12, 2012

Help and reap immeasurable rewards.

Pl see this link for Tamil version -- http://bit.ly/Sadaqah Pl Contact in mail, if you need a handwritten request and/or hospital acknowledgment. HELP WANTED FROM KIND-HEARTED PEOPLE :     This letter is in regard to one of a Tamilian who was severely injured while working in Riyadh and is seeking all of our help. Habibur...
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