Nov 8, 2012

Save yourself from the FB side bar Fitnah..!!

If you are tired of seeing those almost half nude Ads shown on FB'S side bar, then follow these steps.

1. Bring your cursor to the ads top right corner, and you will see a 'X' .
2. It will show you 'Hide This Ad / Hide all Ads from so and so'.
3. Choose what you want to do.
4. From the resulting window, choose any of the below options.
Ads hidden
We'll try not to show you ads from xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Why did you hide them?
  • Uninteresting
  • Misleading
  • Sexually explicit
  • Against my views
  • Offensive
  • Repetitive
  • Other
5. Again it will ask you
Ads Hidden
To help us show you better ads, tell us what you like.
6. Go to the resulting page and choose as much as Islamic oriented or kids oriented or science / schools / FMCG brands... whatever you like.

7. Remember that these Ads are analyzed from your 'Likes' so like such good / decent / information pages which will protect your 'Hijab' from the half-nude-sidebar :))

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